
Carole is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.  Carole holds a Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy from Columbia University and a Master’s of Arts in Movement Sciences / Kinesiology from New York University. She came to the world of Rehabilitative medicine from a dance background having received a Bachelor’s of Science from in Dance Education from New York University in 1985.  As a lifelong learner, she completed a fellowship in Infant Parent Mental Health through the University of Massachusetts Boston in 2022.

Carole has nearly three decades of experience in the field of Pediatric Occupational Therapy. She maintains a private practice in Los Angeles working with infants and their families by providing evaluation and treatment for developmental skills, feeding and breastfeeding.  She is also an OT III at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) where she specializes in high risk, medically fragile infant population by providing developmental treatment, feeding/swallowing, and complex lactation consultation and treatment. She has practiced OT in a variety of settings including acute inpatient, rehabilitation, out patient, early intervention, school based practice, and private practice. Carole has taught and presented locally and nationally on a range of topics related to infants, children, parents, health and wellness.  



“Your help with Camille meant a lot to us and I wanted to let you know she's doing so, so much better. She's eating almost completely without issue, has gained a little padding and continues to be a curious, active, beautiful baby. She rolled over for the first time a couple of weeks ago and has started to really move on the ground - inchworming up to a few feet at a time. She's became an exclusive breast feeder at 5.5 months of age.  We wouldn't be where we are without your presence and support.” 

— Mother of Camille, baby born with Ankyloglossia and mild Torticollis

“Dear Carole,  Thank you so much for your love and support you have given Juilette over the past year.  She is a different child, and a major contributing factor is your expertise and patience.  We are eternally grateful.”

— Mother of Juliette, baby born with Torticollis and visual challenges

“You entered our world when we were just getting to know Rumi.  I remember how afraid I was of NOT getting her to nurse.  I NEEDED that bond so desperately.  You were so clear and positive as we worked towards nursing.  You helped me to cut through being overwhelmed and focus on my darling baby.  You knew we would get there and we did!  Your guidance in these early days cemented the foundation of my relationship with Rumi Roo.  I went from not knowing if I could love my baby to not knowing how I ever existed without her.”

— Mother of Rumi, baby born with Down Syndrome